The Unit is focus on specific techniques to be applied for a professional tv series writing. The knowledge of the writing process is very relevant fo students and teachers in order to understand better the tv series anthropology and narrative strategies. 

The video lessons are based on the main steps of the writing process and methodological approach

In this Unit video testimonies proposed by producers allow to defined in practice the work to be done in a process addressed to realize a TV series. Un Introductory explains the main steps to be accomplish for a concrete planning of the realizing of the series and of the single episode.

Videopills follow focus on the construction of the three narrative macro-levels of a TV series.

Video lessons are focused on the analysis of how the tv series explore, consider and propose the gender stereotypes. A critical view about the general approach of the way society reinforces gender cultural stereotypes through media depictions of women that are often stereotypically gendered. 

Studies show that the representations of women in “stereotypical” careers may have significant impact on the decisions they make into adulthood. For this reasons, the video lessons is based on studies and experiences for giving instruments to students and teacher for recognizing, verifying and contrasting gender based stereotypes. The unit contains a video-lesson and 8 short video pills based on the result of the Gemini research, that propose an analysis of the most relevant stereotypes. 

Разделът е истинска сесия за писане, в която участниците ще бъдат включени в процес на „писане на телевизионна драма“. В това пространство те ще намерят 8 идеи за телевизионна драма, базирана на 8 полови стереотипа (сред най-често срещаните, които изследователите на GEMINI са проверили и открили по време на изследователската фаза на проекта).

Работейки в сътрудничество, участниците ще бъдат помолени да развият идеите и да създадат оригинален път.

Най-вдъхновяващите ще участват в Европейския конкурс за телевизионна драма GEMINI