S4BC platform terms and conditions and privacy policy

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Please read our S4BC platform terms and conditions and privacy policy


Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003: < < < Personal Data Protection Code > > hereafter CODE, as well as Article 13 of the General Regulation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data as well as on the Disclosure of such Data (General Data Protection Regulation) 679/16, the Hallgarten-Franchetti Foundation Villa Montesca Study and Training Center (hereafter FVM), as Data Controller is obliged to provide users of the domain https://www. montescamooc.eu/s4bc with certain information regarding the processing of personal data.

For the purposes of this information notice, the following are defined as:

Processing: any operation or set of operations, carried out also without the help of electronic means, concerning the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasure and destruction of data, even if not registered in a database;
Personal data: any information relating to a natural person, legal person, entity or association, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number;
Sensitive data: personal data capable of revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership in parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, as well as personal data capable of revealing health and sex life;
DataController: the natural person, legal person, public administration and any other entity, association or body responsible for decisions regarding the purposes and methods of the processing of personal data, including the security profile;
Person incharge: the natural person, legal person, public administration and any other body, association or body in charge of the processing of personal data by the owner;
Data Subject: the natural person, legal person, entity or association to whom the personal data refer;
Personin Charge: The natural person authorized to carry out processing operations by the owner or person in charge;
FVM DOMAIN: The set of data, from the applications, tech-nological resources, human resources, organizational rules and procedures deputed to the acquisition, storage, processing, exchange, retrieval and transmission of your data.

I. A) The following personal data constitute the object of processing: Last Name; First Name; Address; City; Postal Code; Prov.; CF/PI; Tel.; e-mail; IP n.IP operating system, browser type - You will be asked from time to time for your consent to the processing of your personal data.
I. B) Sensitive data will not be processed.

II. A) Personal data will be processed, no longer than necessary, for: 1. respond to your specific requests; 2. purposes strictly related and instrumental (e.g. for the acquisition of pre-contractual information and to execute the services and operations, as contractually agreed); 3. purposes of analysis of the information obtained for the purpose of the proposition, through the sending of promotional information, including telematic, of goods and services deemed to be of your interest; 4. Purposes pertaining to the control of the progress of customer relations and the control of credit and fraud risks related to the services provided by FVM ; 5. Purposes related to legal obligations and instructions from the Authorities or Supervisory bodies; 6. To comply with what is required by law.

III. A) In relation to the indicated purposes the Sui data will be subject to computer and paper processing and processed by special computer procedures in order to customize the services that FVM is able to offer you.
III. B) The data will be processed in such a way as to guarantee their logical and physical security and confidentiality and may be carried out by means of manual, computerized and telematic tools suitable for storing, transmitting and sharing the data.
III. C) The logic of the processing will be strictly related to the illustrated purposes, in particular, your data subject to all the processing provided for in Article 4 letter a) of the CODE will be stored and/or processed by means of special computer procedures, and processed: C.1. by the corporate units in charge of managing the above-mentioned activities (and related obligations), or empowered to carry out those necessary for the maintenance and/or execution and/or conclusion of the relationship established with you; C.2. by natural or legal persons who, under contract with FVM, provide specific processing services or carry out activities related, instrumental or supporting those of FVM.

IV. A) Your data will or may be communicated - subject to the manifestation of the relevant consent in the manner provided by law - to third parties, such as: 1. Banks entrusted with the settlement of payments in accordance with the agreed terms; 2. Insurance institutions for the settlement of any claims for damages; 3. Authorized entities or bodies for the performance of the relevant obligations within the limits of the provisions of the law; 4. Companies, Individuals or legal entities that, under contract with FVM provide specific processing services or carry out activities related, instrumental or in support of those of FVM.

V. A) The provision of data is not mandatory in nature. Any refusal to provide your personal data, or to give consent to their processing or communication to subjects belonging to the aforementioned categories, will result in difficulties in the execution of any contractual relationships that may exist between you and the Data Controller, as well as the enjoyment of services related thereto.

VI. A. Lastly, we inform you that Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the CODE - give data subjects the exercise of specific rights. In particular, you may obtain from FVM confirmation of the existence or non-existence of your personal data, and their provision in an intelligible form. You may also request to know the origin of the data, as well as the logic and purposes on which the processing is based; you may obtain - where permitted by law - the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law; as well as the updating, rectification or, if you are interested, the integration of the data. Finally, it may oppose for legitimate reasons the processing itself.

VII. A. The data controller is FVM S.c.a.r.l. based in Città di Castello. The list of External Companies responsible for particular processing will be kept updated and will be sent to you upon request. It will also be made available at the offices of FVM.

VIII. A. You are granted the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time.

IX. A. If you have questions or would like more information about the processing of your personal data or to exercise your rights under No. VI above, you may send an e-mail to the FVM Web site administrator, the address is info@montesca.eu. You may also contact us at the same address for answers regarding FVM's handling of information Before FVM can provide or change any information to you, we may need to verify your identity and answer some questions. A response from us will be provided without delay. ATA

X. The data protection officer is Avv. Giuseppe Serafini with office in Città di Castello, vai Sant'Antonio N.7, email: giuseppe.serafini@ordineavvocati.perugia.it